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Information Medical Condittions Treated With Cannabis In Australia
Posted by: admin - 10-06-2021, 03:59 AM - Forum: Cannabidiol (CBD) Forum Announcements & Forum Help - No Replies

[Image: medical-condittions-treated-with-cannabi...tralia.png]

A large number of Australian people are making use of medical marijuana for the treatment of their conditions and diseases. Since the TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration) has given relaxation in its restrictions on the prescription in 2018 on medical marijuana. Healthcare professionals & patients are now taking cannabis as a treatment option into their consideration.

The legalization of medical marijuana signifies that cannabis has become a popular option for thousands of Australians. Those individuals who are suffering from particular medical conditions can now see doctors who are authorized for dispensing & prescribing medical marijuana.

Because of the legalization, over time there is an expectation of the reduction of illegal purchase and self-medication. This in turn will result in effective & safe use of marijuana as a tried & tested drug.

Those people who are suffering from intractable medical conditions may now consider medical marijuana treatment. It is the case when their other treatments become fail. However, still there are ongoing studies supporting the efficacy, potency, and safety of marijuana. There are thousands of Australian people who are making use of cannabis for the treatment of the following:

Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a medical condition that is popular for affecting the spinal cord region and your brain. Symptoms are dependent on the severity of the disease. But, usually, these are inclusive of motor imbalance, tingling sensations, pain, spasms, and vision problems. According to extensive research studies, the utilization of medical marijuana extract has greatly reduced the intensity of spasms among multiple sclerosis patients. It has also alleviated pain without any adverse reactions.


Arthritis is a kind of debilitating medical condition which is greatly responsible for lowering the quality of life of patients. Patients have to suffer from chronic pain since arthritis is a degenerative or incurable disease.

During arthritis attacks, medical marijuana is effective for combating pain. Medical marijuana is not only helpful in reducing pain. But, there are a growing number of studies that reveal that medical marijuana may serve you with ease in your psychological pain.


Cancer is a kind of grim disease. It is responsible for almost 30% of mortality in Australia. However, medical-grade marijuana is not capable of the treatment of cancer. It assists in the reduction of severity & intensity of symptoms. Thus, it enhances the quality of life among patients.

Medical-grade marijuana also comprises active ingredients which result in the stimulation of your appetite. It assists in the management of muscle wasting, weight loss, anorexia. A cancer patient experience all these symptoms.

Chronic Pain

Numerous people are suffering from long-term pain or chronic pain as a symptom of the disease. It is inclusive of cancer, arthritis, and neuropathy among numerous others.

In the pharmacological management of chronic pain, medical marijuana treatment is an option according to published research. Those individuals who are suffering from the disease Parkinson’s also report that they have seen an enhance in the comfort of up to 27% with the use of medical marijuana.

Other painful conditions that may benefit from the use of cannabis are:

  • Migraine
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Fibromyalgia
Those Australians have not found success in the treatment of their medical condition. Those people are also being prescribed medical marijuana treatment with drugs, routines, or traditional medical procedures.
  • Anorexia
  • Palliative care indications for patients with AIDs and cancer
  • Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting
  • Spasticity from neurological conditions

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Information Reasons Why The Endocannabinoid System Fascinates Us
Posted by: admin - 10-06-2021, 03:47 AM - Forum: Medical Marijuana - No Replies

[Image: reasons-why-the-endocannabinoid-system-f...tes-us.png]

It is just a rumor that the endocannabinoid system (ECS) is in existence for the last 600 million years. The reason behind this is that ECS holds its presence in the earliest forms of life. These are sponges that have been around for a longer period.

It is that we were not aware of this until Dr. Robert Mechoulham has begun his groundbreaking work in 1960. It was on the exploration of endocannabinoids and cannabinoids that are responsible for forming part of ECS. It is also a bit unfortunate that the ECS has been excluded from the syllabus of medical school for several years.

What Creates The Endocannabinoid System?

An Israeli Professor who was working at the Hebrew The University of Jerusalem. In year 1964, he has done the isolation of a molecule in the marijuana plant. It has become the reason for healing relief to the human body that is THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). He was curious about how the marijuana plant works for serving with the effects it has on the human body. This sets off the journey towards the discovery of the ECS.

But the use of marijuana dates back to ancient civilizations which have arisen from the banks of great rivers. For instance, the Indus River in India, Tigris & The Euphrates in Mesopotamia, and Hwang-Ho in China.

Before Mechoulam has begun his research work, herbalists were tapping already into the healing power of marijuana. After so many years, Mechoulam together with other scientists has discovered that the body has done the production of its cannabinoids. These act in the same way as plant phytocannabinoids. There could also be an augment in the reverse. Plant cannabinoids do the emulation of the actions and effects of endocannabinoids.

Another researcher Lisa A. Matsuda later in the 1990s has done the identification of the first cannabinoid receptor in the brain. It is a CB1 receptor, and it binds the endogenous cannabinoids along with plant cannabinoids, for instance, THC. Later in the year 1995, he has done the identification of the second receptor. The classification of these two receptors was as the CB1 & CB2 receptors.

The ECS of the body comprises of three major components:

  • Receptors spread throughout the body
  • Endocannabinoids
  • Metabolic enzymes which usually break down endocannabinoids
Learn about these components in detail:

Cannabinoid Receptors

The first identification was of the CB1 receptor, a component found predominantly in the central nervous system & brain. It is responsible for the modulation of the higher center functions. It does the achievement of this by doing interaction with cannabinoids.

After this,, the identification of the CB2 receptor has happened. You will predominantly find this receptor in the immune system. It is responsible for the modulation of immunity and other peripheral functions. It does the achievement of this by doing interaction with cannabinoids as well. In a healthy state, the CB2 receptor does not do too much. However, when the body is in a disease state, it kicks. Then it sets immune responses which are both protective & defensive.

Later the identification of a third and less commonly discussed receptor has happened is the GPR55 receptor. There have not been many studies done yet on this third receptor.

Phytocannabinoids found in marijuana are capable of interacting with cannabinoid receptors in exceptional ways. When they do this, they do the production of effects that are similar to those produced by endocannabinoids.


Endocannabinoids are molecules found in the body that are capable of interacting with cannabinoid receptors. They are comprised of polyunsaturated fatty acids derived from arachidonic acid. The primary endocannabinoid molecule is widely popular as anandamide or bliss molecule. The 2nd endocannabinoid is 2-AG or 2-arachidonoylglycerol.

There is being more investigation on endocannabinoids. And they are inclusive of N-arachidonoyldopamine (NADA) & 2-arachidonylglycerol. Anandamide binds to both the CB1 & CB2 receptors for assisting in supporting the ECS. It is also widely popular as the bliss molecule. The reason is that once it is released, it becomes the reason for extreme happiness.

However, as soon as the endocannabinoids have performed their role, they quickly get removed from circulation. This also explains that why anandamide, unlike THC does not become the reason for euphoria. If it was permitted for accumulating in the body, probably it would have made "make us high" in the same way as how THC can get one intoxicated.

2-AG also interacts with a lower affinity with both the CB1 & CB2 receptor.

Metabolic Enzymes

As soon as endocannabinoids have completed their functions, they get removed from the system. The metabolic enzymes come into play for the achievement of this. FAAH is widely popular for being responsible for breaking down the anandamide. On the other hand, MAGL is responsible for breaking down 2-AG. If signifies that endocannabinoids do not do the accumulation in the body, unlike phytocannabinoids. Based on a need, endocannabinoid gets released.

Why Endocannabinoids Are Diverse From Other Neurotransmitters

Endocannabinoids are widely popular for working in a retrograde manner. It is different from how other neurotransmitters work. Brain cells send out chemical messages. These have been relayed from one cell to the next. And it usually controls our actions, feelings, and thoughts. Most neurotransmitters releases from a cell which is widely popular as a presynaptic cell. Along with this, they cross a synapse or gap forgetting to postsynaptic cells from where they trigger a definite action.

On the other hand, endocannabinoids work in the opposite manner. The release from the postsynaptic cells, and cross the synaptic junction for getting to the presynaptic cells. Here they bind to endocannabinoid receptors. This is the thing that signifies a retrograde mechanism.

The manufacturing of endocannabinoids happens on-demand unlike other neurotransmitters.

When endocannabinoids act in a retrograde fashion. It facilitates them for having control over the release of other neurotransmitters from the presynaptic cells. They work as a "dimmer switch" for regulating the release and functioning of other neurotransmitters.

The ECS & Homeostasis

Homeostasis is widely popular as the balance of the internal environment of the body. All physiological parameters are within limits in this case. It signifies that when the external conditions fluctuate, then the internal mechanism adjusts. It happens for ensuring that the internal environment has remained in check. For instance, when the external temperature enhances, the body starts mechanisms e.g. sweating. And this is the reason that the temperature of the body remains moderate. The same thing applies to hunger, hormonal level, and other crucial functions of the body.

The ECS is responsible for the maintenance in the body of homeostasis. With the assistance of the interaction of the endocannabinoid with endocannabinoid receptors. The body is capable of keeping all systems in check. Some crucial functions among those the regulation of which happens by the ECS are:
  • Memory
  • Temperature
  • Sleep
  • Immunity
  • Digestion
  • Mood
  • Motor control
  • Fertility
  • Appetite
  • Pain
The ECS works in a direct, purposeful, and targeted manner. For instance, when your body temperature is in the extreme range. The ECS kicks in for correcting that without influencing other systems. Once the endocannabinoids that are working through the ECS, have managed to do the restoration of the optimal temperatures. They have rapidly broken down by metabolic enzymes and have been removed from the system.

If they are left for persisting in the body. They might become the reason for an upset in the opposite direction of what they had just restored. This is the thing that is responsible for making the system unique.

On the other hand, phytocannabinoids work in a diverse manner. The reason is that they have not taken out of the body instantly. And they might end up becoming the reason for side effects. For instance, paranoia and euphoria among others.

It is crucial that the ECS functions optimally at all times. When there is a situation of the failure of the ECS, the classification of the resulting state may happen as an endocannabinoid deficiency.

Chronic Endocannabinoid Deficiency (CECD)

When the endocannabinoid system is in disarray. The body is likely to do the development of any of the conditions under the CECD umbrella. All these conditions have an interrelation between them. And these also have a link to a malfunctioning ECS. The common conditions in this bracket are inclusive of:
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Migraine
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
In the past, there was difficulty in the treatment of most of these conditions. Most often the traditional system has focused on the management of the symptoms instead of finding a cure. More studies on the ECS could serve as a breakthrough in the treatment of these chronic conditions.

Why The ECS Intrigues Us

Numerous things are intriguing about the ECS. For starters, it is confusing that how such a crucial system went unnoticed by scientists for a very long time. Also, it is interesting to learn about the potential of this system for influencing both basic functions as well as complex disease processes.

At last, it is fascinating that such a "controversial" plant for instance marijuana could have extreme potential for influencing such a vital system as the ECS.

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  A Complete Look At Cannabis And Depression
Posted by: admin - 09-21-2021, 12:48 PM - Forum: Medical Marijuana - No Replies

[Image: cannabis-and-depression.png]

If you have been feeling sadness, you have a lack of interest in activities that you once enjoyed. Then you might be suffering from depression. Depression is affecting approximately about 350 million people all over the world. This common mood disorder is the leading reason behind the disability of people worldwide. Yet numerous people who are suffering from depression don't get the required help.

Currently, there is an availability of numerous treatments. These are inclusive of oral medications and other different therapies. Researchers have begun to do the exploration of medicinal marijuana in the form of additional treatment. Given below you can learn more about the use of medical marijuana for depression, its benefits, and side effects.

Benefits of Medical Marijuana

  • You can make use of marijuana as a tool for pain management
  • Medicinal marijuana may serve you with relief from symptoms of anxiety
  • It is also widely popular as a potential treatment for vomiting and nausea which has relation to chemotherapy
Hawaii Journal of Medicine & Public Health published a study in 2014. It has highlighted pain management as a potential benefit of medical marijuana. Participants in the study have reported that they have seen a 64% reduction in their pain while making use of marijuana. Numerous people have also experienced a reduction in their anxiety. And they have got a night of better sleep when they were using the drug.

There are also some other potential benefits which give you relief from:

Research is going on in these areas for determining the long-term and short-term effects of use.

Research on Cannabis & Depression

The evaluation is still in its early stages of medical marijuana for depression. Right now, the researchers share that the advantages are inclusive of the restoration of "normal" mood stabilization & endocannabinoid function.

Scientists have begun to look into medicinal marijuana as a possible treatment for depression. It is about depression the reason behind which is chronic stress. The Research Institute on Addictions (RIA) has been focusing particularly on brain chemicals that are widely popular as endocannabinoids.

These are chemical compounds that have been produced naturally. They play a crucial role in emotions, behavior, cognition, and control. They are also having a chemical makeup that is similar to that of marijuana.

The scientists have not conducted their studies on humans. Rather they have done it on animals. Yet they have discovered that chronic stress might surpass the production of the brain of endocannabinoids. They found that this may in turn lead to depression-like behavior.

The introduction of cannabis into the system may assist in the restoration of function and normal levels. This may make the symptoms of depression easy.

There is the requirement for more studies for the assessment of the real advantages and disadvantages of marijuana. As it is a potential therapy for those people who are having depression.

Risks & Warnings
  • The side effects of it might be different which is dependent on the method of consumption
  • There are mixed views on whether marijuana may be a reason for depression or the treatment of depression
  • The use of marijuana may trigger psychosis or schizophrenia in those people who are at higher risk of these conditions.
In a group that was surveyed about the usage of marijuana for chronic pain. 71% of people among those didn't report any major side effects. 61% of the people among them have reported suffering from throat irritation or cough.

There is not any clear proof that suggests that marijuana is the reason behind depression. However, there might be a link between the two. Some of the researchers suggest that regular or heavy users of the drug are diagnosed with depression. It is more often in contrast with non-smokers.

There is also a link between marijuana and other mental health conditions. If you are being at a high risk of psychosis. Then you must be aware that marijuana may trigger psychosis or schizophrenia. Psychosis is a very serious mental disorder. The characterization of it has done by a detachment from reality. Symptoms of it are inclusive of delusions and hallucinations.

The potential side effects of the use of marijuana may be dependent on the way you do the consumption of it. You can consume medical marijuana in the form of a spray, patches, or pill. Research is going on with traditional recreational methods. For instance, vaporizing or smoking.

Currently, there are certain researches which are making efforts. These are for figuring out if a particular extract which is widely popular as cannabidiol. It could serve you with mood-boosting advantages without leading to drug dependency or not.

Traditional Treatments For Depression

The treatment of depression is exceptional for you and it is dependent on the severity of your case. It is possible to successfully do the management and treatment of moderate, mild, and severe depression.

Mild depression may give a better response to psychosocial treatments. For instance, psychotherapy is also popular as "talk therapy". Usually, there is no recommendation of drugs as a treatment for mild cases of depression.

Psychological treatments are also a good first step for those people who are having moderate to severe depression. For instance, interpersonal or behavioral psychotherapy.

Antidepressants are another tool that some doctors use for cases related to more severe depression. For instance, tricyclic antidepressants along with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Drugs may carry potential side effects. So, you must make use of these under the supervision of a doctor. In addition to this, you must make use of antidepressants with caution in children and teenagers with depression.

Tools To Cope-Up With Depression

After you and your doctor have done the development of a treatment plan. Further, you can take steps at your home for coping up with depression:

Make efforts for cutting out extra stressors and responsibilities in your life. Give yourself room for breathing when you are feeling down.

Make addition of more structure to your day. When you have events you can set reminders on your phone or for others can't miss responsibilities.

Take journaling into consideration. It might be a healthy outlet for you to honestly and openly divulge feelings of sadness, fear, or anger.

Seek out groups that may assist you in mental health. Your church or employer may have an assistance program that can assist you. You can also check out the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance and National Alliance on Mental Illness.

Make efforts not to isolate yourself. However, it might be difficult when you are feeling low. If you have a support network then it might have a huge number of benefits.

Discover new and fun ways of relieving bad emotions and stress. It could be as simple as to a take a daily walk, trying meditation, or striking some yoga poses.

Final Thoughts

However, research in the field appears promising. But, there is a requirement for more work. It is for the assessment of whether medical marijuana is an effective treatment of depression or not.

If you have an interest in this potential therapy and live in that area where medical marijuana is legal. You must consider discussing this with your doctor. They can work with you for the determination of whether it is an option for you or not.

Your doctor can also serve you with guidance through other options for treatment. Together you can do the development of the best strategy for yourself.

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Heart Is CBD Safe For Cancer Patients?
Posted by: admin - 09-10-2021, 04:42 PM - Forum: Common Questions & Answer About CBD Oil - No Replies

[Image: Is-CBD-safe-for-cancer-patients.png]

CBD which is also popular as Cannabidiol is one of the numerous chemicals which you will find in marijuana plants. There has been publicity of it as an alternative treatment in some online forums. It can even cure numerous kinds of illnesses which are including cancer. Some cancer patients claim that CBD has assisted them as a complementary therapy. It has assisted them in the management of their side effects and symptoms from standard cancer treatment.

Still, there is very little research around CBD and its uses for the treatment of people with cancer. Given below is what you should know about CBD. You will also come to know about what science is presently showing about it. Whether it is effective and safe to use for people who have cancer.

What is meant by CBD?

CBD is one of the hundreds of chemicals that you will find in flowering marijuana plants. CBD does not come with the mind-altering or psychoactive effects of another chemcial found in marijuana. It is popular by the name tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC is the chemical that serves people with the experience of a "high". On the other hand, people make use of CBD to assist themselves in easing anxiety, pain, and sleep issues.

CBD comes from marijuana plants which are widely popular as hemp. These are particularly grown with low levels of THC and high levels of CBD. Cannabis plants grown with high levels of THC are widely popular by the name marijuana.

CBD comes from oil which gets extracted from the cannabis plant. You can then ingest that oil as a liquid, a gummy, a capsule, or you can inhale through vaping. You can also add this as an ingredient in such kinds of products as skin patches and lotions.

Can CBD Assist People With Cancer?

Studies are underway for answering this question. Some scientists are conducting their study on whether CBD could serve them with instant relief on some of the side effects of cancer & its treatment. For instance, nausea, anxiety, insomnia, or pain. Other scientists are doing their study on whether CBD could potentially slow or stop the growth of cancer or not.

However, to date, no large-scale studies have shown that CBD is having any benefit for the treatment of cancer patients. Most studies that have been done in the laboratory for the evaluation of CBD as a cancer treatment were in human cells or mice. For instance, some studies conducted have stated shown that CBD does the stimulation of the growth of cancer cells in mice with colon cancer or lung cancer.

Other studies have shown that CBD together with THC has killed glioblastoma cancer cells in the lab. However, not a single study was conducted on cancer patients.

There have been some studies conducted that signify that CBD alone, or together with THC might serve you with relief, anxiety, insomnia, or pain. But, these studies were not particular to cancer patients. Where till date no study has shown that CBD serves with ease in these side effects particular to cancer patients. On the other hand, some patients with cancer have reported the benefits of taking CBD. For instance, assisting with vomiting, depression, nausea, and other side effects.

Your doctor might consider prescribing cannabinoids for the management of chronic pain according to ASCO guidelines. If you are living in a state where you will find it illegal. However, ASCO has given some guidelines which state that there is not sufficient evidence for supporting the use of cannabinoids. It is about the prevention of vomiting and nausea of patients with cancer who are receiving chemotherapy or radiation therapy.

There are 2 synthetic marijuana medications, dronabinol (Marinol or Syndros) and nabilone (Cesamet). These are FDA-approved for the treatment of vomiting and nausea that is related to chemotherapy. The preparation of these medications happens in a laboratory.

Is CBD safe for Cancer patients?

You may find stories of people online who are discussing the advantages of CBD as the treatment of cancer. Or as the relief from the side effects of cancer. You must keep in mind that such personal stories, shared without scientific study, while may be well-meaning. And these do not comprise any evidence. There is still a requirement for proving the safety and efficacy of CBD for cancer patients. It must also have been proved in randomized, large, & controlled clinical trials.

This is also crucial for you to note that some studies have shown that CBD might interrupt. It might interrupt how your body does the processing of cancer drugs which are popular as a drug interaction. This might in turn make the treatment of cancer more toxic. Or it can make it less effective. There is a requirement for more research on these effects. You must always tell your oncologists for these reasons if you are thinking to make use of CBD before you take it.

You might also be wondering if CBD is legal in your area. Some states facilitate the possession and sale of marijuana. It is inclusive of THC and CBD, for recreational and medical use. On the other hand, other states are having stricter regulations. So, you must always learn state-by-state laws before doing the transportation of CBD across your state lines. Things are even more complex at the federal level.

In addition to CBD oil, you can make use of hemp for making things like clothing and rope. In other words, you can have an understanding that no longer hemp is a controlled substance. It means that the regulation of it does not get done by the government. It refers that consumers have the requirement of doing the evaluate the quality & safety of CBD products by themselves. For instance, some CBD might possess much higher levels of THC than that is on the label.

If you are thinking to make use of CBD, then you must always consult with your doctor first. The reason is that the research does not yet provide support to the use of CBD in assisting cancer patients. Before doing consumption of it you must raise the topic with your doctor.

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Lightbulb How Often Can You Take CBD?
Posted by: admin - 09-10-2021, 04:31 PM - Forum: Common Questions & Answer About CBD Oil - No Replies

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CBD comes with numerous health benefits

Perhaps you have heard about the health benefits of CBD. But, the question is how much can you take to feel those? CBD or Cannabidiol is one of the more than 60 active compounds found in the marijuana plant. These active compounds are popular as cannabinoids which affect your body in numerous different ways.

CBD is not psychoactive. It signifies that you will not get "high" from this. In contrast, research suggests that it might assist you:

  • to reduce depression and anxiety
  • Improve sleep
  • Reduce seizures in people suffering from epilepsy
  • soothe inflammation and pain
  • Improve the health of the heart
  • Improve symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
It doesn't matter which condition you are trying to do the treatment. It is key if you serve yourself with a sufficient amount of dosage. Or it might also not work for you. It might be difficult for you to figure out how much CBD you must consume. The reason is currently the regulation of CBD is not happening by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA). There are also not any officially recommended dosages.

Given below is what you require to know about figuring out how much CBD you must take.

What the research state about CBD

CBD has been the subject of research over the past few years along with being a subject of a lot of discussions.

As this 2017 review states that big research states that CBD is a relatively safe treatment. The studies the analysis of which were in the 2017 review haven’t shown that there is any kind of universal dosage of CBD which everyone should consume. In contrast, it has signified the fact that different kinds of people have given responses to different dosages of CBD. Most human studies conducted make use of dosages which are somewhere between 20 & 1,500 milligrams per day.

You must keep this thing in your mind that still there is too much about CBD about which we are not aware. Researchers are likely going to conduct more studies on marijuana as the marijuana industry grows. These studies are inclusive of hemp, marijuana, and its derivatives.

How you will figure out the correct amount for you

The amount of CBD you must take is dependent on a huge range of factors which are inclusive of:
  • your body weight
  • the condition you are treating
  • your individual body chemistry
  • the concentration of CBD in each kind of pill, capsule, drop, & / or gummy
In other words, there is a huge number of variables that you have to take into consideration when you are going to decide how much CBD you should take. You must ensure to talk to your doctor about the appropriate dosage and any potential risks before trying CBD. You must stick to the recommendation of your doctor if your doctor tells you about how much CBD you should consume. It is very crucial you are taking a prescription medication that consists of CBD. For instance, Epidlolex is a form of seizure medication.

If your doctor doesn't facilitate you with a recommendation, it will be best for you to begin with a smaller dosage. You can also gradually enhance the amount of it. It means you can start with 20 to 40 mg per day. You can enhance this amount by 5 mg after a week. You can also continue to make use of this until you feel that it is treating your symptoms effectively.

For instance, for the treatment of your severe pain, you might start off with 40 mg. When you are suffering from a lot of pain, you can take 40 mg on those days. You can enhance this amount by 45 mg after a week. And after a second week, you can enhance this amount by 50 mg. You might have a feeling at this point that your pain is bearable.

It might be wise enough for you to do tracking of how much CBD you are consuming. And you can also track whether your symptoms are going better. You can write it down on the notes app on your phone or on paper.

In short, you can start with a small dosage of CBD and you can enhance it gradually until you reach your desired effect. Your ideal dosage of CBD is dependent on a huge number of factors. For instance, body chemistry, body weight, and the condition you are treating. It is also inclusive of the concentration of CBD in that product which you are using for treating your product.

How to do the calculation of dosage

Some products tell you that how much is there in a single serving such as capsules, pills, or gummies. For instance, the packaging on a bottle of CBD capsules gives you an indication that there is 5 mg of CBD in each capsule.

The CBD oil will likely come in a dropper bottle if you are making use of it. The packaging might give you specifications on how much CBD is there in a single drop. You can figure out from there how many drops do you require to use.

It is harder to figure out sometimes that how much CBD is there in one drop. The reason is the packaging specifies the whole amount of CBD which is there in the entire bottle. But, it does not specify the amount of CBD that will be there in a single drop.

One drop contains about 0.05 milliliters. It is just a single drop, not a full drop.

It signifies that a 10 ml bottle of CBD oil contains 200 drops. And if that 10 ml bottle packaging states that the bottle of CBD comprises 1,000 mg of CBD. Each drop of this CBD oil is going to contain about 5 mg of CBD.

So, you must take about four drops of CBD oil for having 20 mg of that type of CBD oil.

Can I take too much CBD?

A 2011 review on the side effects and safety of CBD found that humans can well tolerate the continuous use of CBD. They can even tolerate it in high doses like 1,500 mg per day.

A 2017 update to this review has also given confirmation to this. However, a 2019 study was done on mice. It has raised some safety concerns about the potential of CBD for liver damage. These were along with their interactions with numerous other medications.

Currently, if you are taking medication and have a desire to try CBD, it is crucial to discuss it with your doctor. There are few popular side effects of CBD. However, these side effects are included of fatigue, appetite changes, and diarrhea.

If you have the desire for a quick and easy way for buying CBD, then you may find brands for CBD online. But, you have to ensure that before purchasing you do proper research on each brand. While pure and genuine CBD is popular as safe. On the other hand, low-quality and fake products might be dangerous for you.

FDA does not do the regulation of CBD. So, it’s upon you to ensure that you are only making use of high-quality products. You must look for products that are from a reputable brand along with third-party testing. And you must avoid companies which are having a history of inaccurate labeling.

Consult With Your Doctor

You must consult with your doctor when it comes to working out with dosage of CBD which you should take. However, all doctors will not be capable of facilitating you with information on CBD. The reason is that it is dependent on the laws available in your state.

Some doctors might be capable of facilitating you with high-quality brands or recommend your dosage. Before trying CBD, you must talk to your doctor particularly if you are currently taking any medications.

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Lightbulb The Beginners Guide to CBD
Posted by: admin - 08-24-2021, 08:34 AM - Forum: Cannabidiol (CBD) Forum Announcements & Forum Help - No Replies

CBD has become one of the highly popular wellness trends for hitting the scene since vitamin C. There is a reason that CBD has gone mainstream. We would like to think that it is nothing short of plant magic. However, the benefits of CBD are having more to do with science than sorcery as it turns out. If you are just doing the discovery of CBD and are to know about why everyone seems to take interest in it. Then we would recommend you for taking a deeper look at this beginner's guide to CBD.

What Is Meant By CBD?

CBD is a compound which you will find in cannabis. Many people make use of it for the achievement of their balance in body and mind and their overall well-being. There is an association of zero public abuse or health risk with it according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

The marijuana plant or Cannabis Sativa L is highly complex. It consists of more than 500 currently identified chemical compounds. Of these compounds, there have classifications of more than 100 cannabinoids. One of these cannabinoids is CBD.

There are some widely popular cannabinoids which are cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).THC is extremely popular for the "high" that most people get from cannabis. However, it doesn't serve you with the same psychoactive effects. And it will also not serve you with a feeling of stoned in the slightest.

CBD might come from the hemp plant or marijuana plant. Both these are forms of marijuana. But a hemp plant in the US must have less than 0.3% THC content. If you are in search of avoiding THC in your CBD oil, you have to ensure that you purchase hemp-derived CBD oil. There are some companies for instance Joy Organics, refine out even the trace amounts of THC. There you will find in hemp as an extra precaution.

What are the most common reasons people make use of CBD?

It is safe to say that someone whom you know is probably making use of CBD. You might have heard about it from your friend or family member. It might be that it keeps showing up on your social media feed. And you are trying to think what the hype is all about.

CBD has rapidly become the widely popular wellness supplement that the world has ever seen. And it also doesn't show any sign of slowing down. CBD has gone mainstream and its popularity is much greater than no one can expect.

Virtually no one had even heard about CBD before a decade ago. The demand for CBD has exploded these days. Almost daily new companies are hitting the market. And some of these do forecasting that the CBD industry will be worth $22 by 2022.

Why many people have jumped on the CBD bandwagon?

Scientific research and anecdotal evidence both show numerous reasons that why people are making CBD part of their everyday wellness routine. You may opt to make use of it for:

  • Promoting healthy skin
  • Maintenance of balanced mood all through the day
  • Sleep better at night
  • Supporting healthy muscles and joints
Honestly, there is no limit to the list of reasons for which people make use of CBD. While we might not make use of it for everything. We have seen some commendable outcomes in our lives. And lives of countless customers.

Are you thinking about how does it work? Let's take a closure look at this with us.

How does CBD Works?

If you are curious to know about how a compound from the marijuana plant can serve you with such beneficial effects. Then you must have an understanding of how CBD does interact with your body. When introduced to the human body, cannabinoids just like CBD are having exceptional effects on our physiological systems. Cannabinoids have been shown that these are having an intimate connection with the central nervous system. These also have an intimate connection with the immune system, reproductive system, and many more.

It all comes down to the way these cannabinoids interact with particular parts of the body. Especially with the ECS or endocannabinoid system.

Different Ways Of Taking CBD

Now you are having a better understanding of the science

Now you are having a better understanding of the science behind CBD. It is time to learn about the numerous different ways in which you can take it.

CBD is available in various forms. It facilitates individuals in finding a method that could best fit their requirements. Given below are the most common forms of CBD:

CBD Oil Tinctures

Taking CBD in the form of a tincture by people is the most common way. Typically it is a mix of CBD, flavoring, and carrier oil. You can take CBD tinctures in your mouth by making use of a dropper or you can add this to your food. These can come in a huge variety of strengths and flavors. It facilitates users in choosing an option that could work best for them.

Some people might opt to make use of a tincture on the skin. But because of being oily, it is not an ideal use of tinctures. Now Joy Organics tinctures are USDA certified organic.

CBD Capsules

Taking CBD in the form of capsules is another way of taking CBD. It facilitates with an easy-to-swallow method which is familiar to most people. It is just like taking a regular supplement to take CBD in the form of a capsule. You have to remember that capsules are having a long time of onset than tinctures. However, you get a bonus which is precise serving with every capsule you take.

CBD Edibles

CBD edibles are numerous food options that have been infused with CBD. The most popular CBD option is Gummies. These are not only good in taste but also facilitate a discreet way of getting a regular serving of CBD. There are also a huge variety of other CBD edibles that are in existence. These are inclusive of candy, gum, and cookies.

CBD Topicals

CBD topicals are salves, balms, creams, and lotions. These have been infused with CBD. The design of these is topically for supporting healthy joints, muscles, and skin.

CBD Vaporizers

Basically, CBD vaporizers are vapes. These are similar to e-cigs but these are also containing CBD rather than nicotine. Vaping CBD facilitates almost instant effects. But these effects also rapidly fade. Vaporizers are also a great option for those people who are fond of carrying CBD with them all through the day.

CBD has also made the way for it into pet care products, skin care products, and many more. The way you do the consumption of CBD comes down to your personal preference. These are along with the reasons why you are doing the consumption of it in the first place.

How Much CBD Should You Consume?

When we talk about taking CBD, how much you should take it is dependent on numerous factors. It is not necessarily better to take it more. When you are going to start your regular CBD regime, typically you will get recommendations to start with a lower side.

Most of those people who are new to CBD start very slowly. They do so by consuming as little as 5-10mg of CBD when they have a requirement of it. When you will start with low and when you will work your way up. It will facilitate you in finding the sweet spot for how much amount of CBD is suitable for your body.

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  Medical Marijuana In Australia: Legality & Uses
Posted by: admin - 08-21-2021, 07:44 AM - Forum: CBD News From Around The Globe - No Replies

[Image: medical-marijuana-in-australia-legality-and-uses.png]

A registered doctor in Australia can legally prescribe medical marijuana. These doctors must apply for TGA approvals under Therapeutic Good Administration (TGA) guidelines. They must apply the specific uses of each patient of medical cannabis. Researches and trials of Australian medical cannabis throughout the world have shown medical marijuana to have potential in treatment.

The treatment might be of symptoms and conditions associated with childhood epilepsy, nausea, anxiety, chronic pain, etc. It might also cover a huge range of different neurodegenerative and autoimmune disorders. Under the TGA Special Access Scheme, some of these conditions are approved. However, depending on each individual patient numerous side effects may also apply with any medication. You can also further discuss this with your doctor.

Is Medical Marijuana Legal In Australia?

Medical marijuana is federally legal in Australia. The Australian government has amended laws in October 2016 for facilitating the legal prescription of marijuana medicines. Since legalization, the TGA has given approval to more than 46,000 medical marijuana applications (May 2020).

Those patients who have the desire of accessing legal medical marijuana can go to their marijuana specialist doctor or GP. The prescribing marijuana doctor will do the assessment of each individual case for suitability with supporting evidence. He will also do the processing of the application of medical marijuana patients. He will do it via Special Access Scheme (SAS) pathways.

Authorized Prescriber Can Prescribe The Medical Cannabis

Medical marijuana is eligible for prescribing only via the Authorized Prescriber Scheme. It is where the medical marijuana doctor is holding the approval for prescribing. He can prescribe medical marijuana to patients within his specialty i.e. nausea, vomiting, epilepsy, anxiety, and pain. Very infrequently the utilization of this pathway happens with most medical marijuana prescriptions. It includes those prescriptions whose processing takes place through Special Access Scheme Category B (SAS-B).

Medical practitioners process single applications through the SAS-B pathway for medical marijuana patients. They do so on the basis of their unregistered product and the particular condition that is going to be prescribed.

Medical Marijuana Is Federally Legal In Australia

However, medical cannabis is federally legal in Australia. Still, the majority of products are unregistered medicines. This means that the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) has not done the evaluation of products. It has done so by taking into consideration the efficacy and safety to make them registered as a medicine in Australia.

It means there is no private health cover or no subsidies through Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme. If the product which has been prescribed to the patient has not got listed on the ARTG. State regulations and approvals with this medicinal range can still apply.

In the coming years, Australia can have the expectation of seeing an expansion in the registration of medical marijuana formulations.

Legal Medical Marijuana in Australia

Medical marijuana is absolutely legal in Australia. However, sources of marijuana that have not been prescribed by a medical professional are still illegal. THC is a psychoactive compound in CBD cannabis oil. The classification of it is as Schedule B controlled substance and CBD hemp oil. The classification of other popularly recognized compounds in marijuana is as a Schedule 4 drug that has no psychoactivity. It is illegal to possess any compounds without a prescription.

What States Are Having Medical Cannabis?

All states in Australia are having legal pathways for accessing medical marijuana. It is because of the amendment to the Narcotic Drugs Act in 2016. The pathways for accessing medical marijuana are similar across the country. Patients of medical marijuana can engage their medical cannabis clinic in Australia or general practitioner (GP) for seeing their eligibility for medical marijuana oil. There are numerous nuances to the laws in different states regarding medical marijuana. It dictates the application required at a state level.

Medical Marijuana Trials In Australia

A huge range of mood disorders has also shown potential positive outcomes in the trials of medical marijuana. There is some evidence that shows that symptoms of mood disorders might be managed with medical marijuana and CBD oil formulations. Some outcomes are also there that have shown dose-dependent outcomes. There is a need for further research into how the application of medical marijuana can happen. It is the case in the treatment of psychological and mood disorders.

Researches show that medical marijuana might have advantages in other settings. For instance autoimmune conditions like Irritable Bowel Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Multiple Sclerosis.

The effects of medical marijuana, particularly CBD oil has got well documented. These were in the reduction of seizures for pediatric epilepsy patients, and for adults. In addition to this, there are some patients with medical marijuana who may find relief from sleep disturbances. It is the case with the application of medical marijuana formulations.

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Lightbulb The Extraction & Purification Process Of CBD
Posted by: admin - 08-19-2021, 03:29 AM - Forum: CBD Oil - No Replies

[Image: Purification-Process-Of-CBD.png]

There is a step-wise process for the extraction of marijuana plant material and for the purification of distinct fractions. The outcome of each step is a smaller amount of material in an enhancing purified form. You can do the production of pure CBD extract that is free from all of the possible contaminants in the plant. For instance, waxes, terpenes, chlorophyll, other cannabinoids, and any other chemicals.

There is also a possibility of isolation of other cannabinoids (e.g. THC, etc.) from the original extracted material. It is crucial to undertake the extraction process at low temperatures (<60 degrees celsius). It is for retaining cannabinoids in their acid form (i.e. to minimize decarboxylation).

Stage 1: Selection & Development of the relevant plant cultivar

You can grow the most relevant cannabis cultivar under greenhouse conditions. Perhaps these plants will be clones of a cultivar with low THC (<0.5%) & high CBD (>5%). It is for the isolation and purification of CBD. There has been the establishment of the selection and cultivation of the relevant marijuana cultivars.

Stage 2: Harvesting of the bud material from the mature marijuana plants

You can harvest marijuana plants at the time when the level of cannabinoids in the bud material is maximal. One can do the harvesting of the fresh stems at the optimal time along with twig and leaf material. This material consists of >5% CBD (wet weight).

Stage 3: Milling and Drying of the cannabis bud material

One has to carefully dry the bud material from the marijuana plant for producing a product consisting of <10% moisture. You have to dry the bud material at 50 degrees celsius for 8-12 hours. Then the dried plant has to be milled and sieved to a fine powder (1-2mm screen). There is a requirement for each batch of dried marijuana powder to have got mixed to homogeneity. It has to be vacuum packed, labeled, and stored at 4 degrees celsius.

100kg of fresh marijuana plant will do the production of about 10kg of dry leaf material. This material will consist of up to 1% THC (dry weight) and 50% CBD.

Stage 4: Primary extraction of the milled and dried marijuana plant material

You have to extract the milled and dried marijuana plant material at room temperature. It should be with a proprietary gaseous solvent for the generation of a liquid extract of the marijuana plant. This crude extract will consist of terpenes, waxes, and cannabinoids along with chlorophyll and other chemicals. 100kg of marijuana plants will do the production of about 2.5L of this green goop. This material will contain 5-7% THC and 50-70% CBD (w/w).

Alternative solvents are inclusive of other gaseous solvents, for instance, butane, CO2, propane, etc. Or it can include liquid solvents, for instance, hexane, acetone, methanol, ethanol, etc. You have to concentrate the solvent-extracted material by the evaporation of the solvent from the extract. As the product returns to the atmospheric pressure, this occurs automatically with gaseous solvents.

You have to carefully evaporate the solvents for the concentration of the extract with liquid solvent extracts. You must employ careful processing conditions for retaining the cannabinoids in their acid forms. There is a requirement of consideration of the extraction efficacy, for the choice of the primary extraction solvent.

It means to get a large portion of the cannabinoids out of the plant material. There is also the requirement of selectivity of extraction. It is about getting the cannabinoids out of the marijuana plant material without unwanted components like chlorophyll.

At the completion process comprehensive extraction and the minimal presence of residual extraction solvent. These two are the basis for the choice of this proprietary gaseous solvent. The obtained green goop with numerous extraction solvents consists of a significant amount of chlorophyll.

There will be the requirement of removing it as the further product is purified. There is a possibility of reducing the amount of chlorophyll by extracting the plant material. You can extract this under cool conditions.

Stage 5: Removing Chlorophyll from the marijuana extract

The green goop consists of a large amount of chlorophyll. It complicates the purification and isolation of other more crucial groups of phytochemicals from the marijuana extract. You can mix the green goop with a solvent (e.g. ethanol) and apply it to a resin. For instance, silica, alumina, and charcoal. While leaving most of the waxes, terpenes, and other chemicals unbound these bind some of the chlorophyll from the crude extract.

Stage 6: Remove Plant Waxes from the cannabis extract

When the decolorized extract in 5 volumes of ethanol has become cool to -20 degrees celsius. And that for 2-3 days in a sealed container. The waxes will get solidify and you can remove these with filtration of the cold ethanol solution.

Step 7: Concentration & Fractionation of CBD from the cannabinoid-enriched material

There are a number of processes you can apply to the cannabinoid-enriched material for the isolation of a CBD-enriched product. These are inclusive of Centrifugal Partition Chromatography (CPC), Supercritical Fluid (CO2) Extraction (SFE). Along with that Molecular Distillation, Crystallization, etc.

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  1807 Blends
Posted by: CBDKnowledge - 06-24-2021, 11:07 AM - Forum: List Of CBD Shops - No Replies

Hey all,

We've just joined and hope to share our CBD knowledge with the community. We run three CBD brands right now:

Alponics SA - our mothership, the CBD Wholesale brand that also produces all the products for our other two retail brands. We also do white label for other companies.
Website: Alponics – Grossiste Cannabis CBD – Grossiste Cannabis CBD – Produits de CBD 100% Naturels – Analyses de Laboratoire – Services pour Marque Blanche

1807 Blends - our full spectrum CBD oil brand, using CO2 Supercritical extraction to ensure super high quality oils. All natural and Swiss Made of course  Cool

1807 Bis - our Swiss CBD Flowers brand, grown in our outdoor, greenhouse and indoor facilities in Switzerland at the base of the Swiss Alps.
Website: Swiss CBD Flowers - 1807 BIS - Enjoy the CBD benefits of 100% Suisse Flowers hand selected and hand trimmed

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  What is meant by Cannabidivarin (CBDV) | How CBDV Works
Posted by: admin - 05-17-2021, 07:50 AM - Forum: Medical Marijuana - No Replies

[Image: cannabidivarin.png]

When we go to talk about the compounds that are present in cannabis, it is extremely easy to get hung up on CBD &amp; THC. After all, these all are the main constituents of the plant. However, there are hundreds of compounds present in cannabis that in spite of their small presence, can have a huge impact on how the plants actually affect us. CBDV or Cannabidivarin is one such chemical.

CBD and THC have stolen the spotlight of the cannabis conversation. The ancient cannabis plants are containing hundreds of compounds. Many of these are eligible in interacting in unique ways for delivering endless benefits. In this article, you will know about cannabidivarin or CBDV which is one highly underestimated cannabinoid with lots of potentials.

What is meant by CBDV?

CBDV is one of those more than 100 cannabinoids that are produced by the cannabis plant. Like another secondary cannabinoid, CBDV is basically found in lower concentrations than CBD and THC, and typically these tend to be more present in low-THC varieties of cannabis, such as hemp.

CBDV is a popular non-intoxicating cannabinoid. It means that it does not do the production of the euphoric high or sleepy stone. It typically gets associated with cannabis varieties that are rich in THC. CBD is a homolog to CBDV, and both these compounds used to share extremely similar chemical mechanisms and structures of action.

How Does CBDV Actually Work?

As it is with many cannabinoids, there are still a huge number of things that we don't know about CBDV and the mechanisms of action it. However, preliminary trials on this cannabinoid facilitate us with at least some idea of how it might act on the body of humans.

Like the cannabinoid cousin (CBD) of it, CBDV is not indulged in showing a high affinity for cannabinoid receptors that are CB1 and CB2 respectively. It is one of the main reasons that it does not do the production of the intoxicating effects which are basically associated with cannabis.

Studies have revealed that just like CBD cannabidivarin might act on other chemical pathways and get interacted with the endocannabinoid system of humans in a much more indirect fashion.

For instance, clinical trials that are investigating the efficacy of CBDV in the treatment of epilepsy and convulsions symptoms give the suggestion. The suggestion is that CBDV used to activate and desensitizes TRPV1 receptors both of which are also known as capsaicin receptors.

It plays a very crucial role in our ability to sense pain and perceived temperature. Other studies reveal that CBDV might act on TRPA1 and TRPV2 receptors.

All these receptors usually fall under the category of transients receptor potential channels. These channels are known for being embedded into the cell membrane. And when these are activated you are required to open it for facilitating ions for flowing into a cell such as sodium.

Researches have also shown that CBDV might interfere with the activity of diacylglycerol lipase. It is one of the key enzymes that are involved in the synthesis of 2-AG. It is an endocannabinoid that is naturally produced by the body. However, it is completely clear that actually how does CBDV do it.

What Does CBDV Actually Do

CBDV has been a point of focus for a huge variety of different trials and studies. However, we are still less aware of this cannabinoid, the mechanisms of action it, and the therapeutic potential than we do about CBD. Here you will come to know about some of the research on CBDV. You will also examine that it would tell you about the functions it and the potential of it. You are required to keep in your mind that all of these results are preliminary.

Epilepsy and CBDV

The British Journal of Pharmacology has published a study in which he has examined the effects of CBDV on mice and rats. The animals were provided cannabis plant-derived extracts in numerous doses. These doses were rich in CBDV and these have also contained CBD, as well as pure forms of both cannabinoids.

The researchers have also made use of an isobologram analysis. It was for the determination of how the two cannabinoids actually interact, and for getting a better understanding of their individual effects on their body.

The mice and rats were then made for having seizures by making use of pentylenetetrazole which is a respiratory and circulatory stimulant, audiogenic seizure model (in this model animals were placed in an isolated chamber, after that they were exposed to an acoustic stimulus that was known for evoking a seizure), and pilocarpine.

The researchers have made use of this for the determination of the anticonvulsant potential of CBDV rich extracts. The results from the isobologram analysis have revealed that the cannabinoid has delivered the effects without acting on CB1 receptors.

CBDV & Autism

Given the potential of CBDV in the modulation of the inhibitory and excitatory systems in the brain. Some of the studies have looked into the therapeutic potential in addressing the core symptoms of autism spectrum disorder.

In the year 2019, the journal of Translation Psychiatry has taken the premise. They have put it to the test by seeing that if CBDV is eligible in affecting GAMA and glutamate metabolites which are the markers of the excitatory or inhibitory systems of the brain. And both of these healthy individuals and patients who were having autism spectrum disorder.

The study has followed a randomized-order, double-blind, cross-over design, and has made use of magnetic resonance spectroscopy. It was for the measurement of the glutamate and GABA+ levels in the brains of 34 male participants. Out of these 17 participants were those who were having autism and 17 were those who were without autism. They have followed the treatment with a placebo &amp; a single dose
of 600mg of CBDV.

The researchers of the study have claimed that CBDV was having an effect on glutamate levels in the brains of both groups of participants. Unluckily, the effects of it were not at all uniform across the individuals. And the authors have concluded that further studies were required for properly determining the potential of CBDV as a treatment for the symptoms of autism spectrum disorder.

CBDV & Nausea

Many people have reported that making use of cannabis while you are experiencing nausea, vomiting, or upset stomach. Thus, there has been a growing interest in testing how cannabinoids might interact with the natural nausea response of our body.

In 2013, the British Journal of Pharmacology has published a comparative study which has examined the antiemetic potential of CBDV in animal models of nausea. The authors of the study have first made use of two inverse agonists of the CB1 receptor for inducing nausea in lab rats. After that, they have run two experiments for seeing whether the THCV and CBDV have either induced nausea or they have reduced it.

Ultimately, the study has claimed that neither CBDV nor THCV has worked as CB1 reverse agonists. As a result of which it has appeared for the reduction of the markers which were associated with the upset stomach in the test subjects.

Is CBDV having any side effects?

CBDV has not shown that it does the production of any side effects. However, it does not mean that is basically devoid of any adverse effects. Simply, we have the requirement of more research for the determination of the safety profile of cannabinoids.

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