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Lightbulb Ways For Using Medical Marijuana During The Summertime
Posted by: admin - 10-17-2022, 03:10 PM - Forum: Medical Marijuana Strain Questions & Reviews - No Replies

Versatility and the numerous ways in which you can easily incorporate marijuana into your daily life. These are some of the greatest things about medical marijuana. It doesn't matter if you have the desire of smoking medical marijuana, drink it, eat it, or vape medical marijuana. As innovation sweeps throughout the marijuana industry, the number of various delivery methods continues to rise.

There are a large number of people who are going to make use of medical marijuana this summer. In this article, we are going to take a closer look at some of the most popular ways in which people throughout the world are making use of medical marijuana this summer. We will also take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of different delivery methods of medical marijuana.

Firstly, we have the requirement of explaining how marijuana and other cannabinoids interact with your Endocannabinoid System (ECS). It is for having a better understanding of how different delivery methods affect your condition.

What is meant by Endocannabinoid System, and How does it work?

The Endocannabinoid System (ECS) is a complicated system that you will find in the body. You still have an ECS, regardless of whether or not you have ever tested marijuana. The ECS is inclusive of a series of receptors (CB1 & CB2). There is a spread of these all through the body and these also have a link together.

It is the way in which these receptors have a link altogether. And spread out which makes the delivery methods of diverse medical marijuana to be effective. Firstly, the discovery of ECS has firstly happened in the early 1990s. And there is also a belief to do the regulation of bodily functions. For instance, memory, reproduction, appetite, mood, and sleep.

Our bodies naturally do the production of endocannabinoids. But, when our ECS is functioning correctly. Then phytocannabinoids, for instance, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) can perform similar roles.

Ways for Using Medical Marijuana

Smoking Medical Marijuana

One of the traditional ways in which numerous people make use of marijuana is smoking marijuana. You are having numerous options which are inclusive of rolling it in papers or joints, water pipes, pipes, paper, or bongs. Smoke that comprises cannabinoids enters the lungs. It is the place where the absorption of cannabinoids happens into the bloodstream through the thin tissues of the lungs.

There are numerous advantages of smoking marijuana. These are inclusive of the rapid onset of effects along with the price. One can feel the effects of smoking marijuana within about 15 minutes. Smoking marijuana through a joint or pipe is also one of the cheapest ways of making use of marijuana. The reason is that it doesn't have any requirement of doing a large investment in equipment.

However, smoking marijuana is also one of the unhealthiest ways for doing the consumption of medical marijuana. The reason is that there may not be that many carcinogens as smoking a cigarette. Still, there is the combustion, and you are still doing the inhalation of some carcinogens in marijuana smoke.

Vaping Medical Marijuana

While vaping marijuana has not been around as long for a long time as smoking. Very rapidly it is becoming one of the widely popular and widely used methods for making use of dried medical marijuana. Additionally, it is one of the widely popular smokeless ways of seeing marijuana.

Vaping is inclusive of heating medical marijuana to the point where the terpenes & cannabinoids turn into vapor below the point of combustion. Just like smoking, terpenes & cannabinoids enter the bloodstream through the thin tissues present in the lungs.

The benefit of vaping marijuana is the rapid onset of the impacts which is usually about 15 minutes. It avoids numerous carcinogens from smoking marijuana along with getting more from your medical marijuana. The reason is that you are not losing any because of combustion. Numerous people who vape marijuana have a belief that it is also a more flavorful way for experiencing everything which medical marijuana has to facilitate you.

The disadvantage associated with vaping is the cost. However, every day we are seeing more and more affordable dry herb vaporizers who are entering the market.

Medical Marijuana Edibles

Marijuana edibles are an easy and effective way of using medical marijuana this summer. When you are doing the consumption of marijuana edibles. The cannabinoids firstly get broken down by the digestive system. It happens before the distribution through the bloodstream.

The benefits of marijuana edibles are that they have the requirement of no additional equipment or experience. And you can do the consumption as little or as much as you are fond of. You should always take it low and slow with edibles until you have completely understood your tolerances.

The disadvantages of edibles are that their effects are unpredictable. Along with this, these can take between 30-60 minutes for you to feel complete effects.

Medical Marijuana Oils or Tinctures

Tinctures and oils were among the first medical marijuana products which have released. And which are still having wide popularity because of their ease of use. Just like edibles, cannabinoids enter the body through the digestive system before they break down and distribute through the bloodstream.

The benefit associated with oils and tinctures is that they are extremely easy to use. And these can also do the discretion. Once you are having the correct dosage, you might take the tinctures or oils very quickly and easily.

Efficiency is the disadvantage of any oils and tinctures. One can lose as much as 50% of the cannabinoids which break down by the digestive system. Additionally, it comes with one of the lowest bioavailability scores of the delivery methods. Texture and taste are other disadvantages. All tinctures and cannabis oils don’t produce the taste which is greatest. It happens with the cannabinoid flavor and terpene flavor which is a bit off-putting to some clients.

Dabbing Medical Marijuana

One of the newest ways for doing consumption medical marijuana is dabbing. It comprises heating marijuana concentrates to extreme temperatures and then doing the inhalation of these concentrates.

Extreme strength is the advantage and disadvantage of dabbing. Marijuana concentrates are highly potent and there is no recommendation to make use of dabbing for novice users. In addition to this, dabbing equipment may be a bit expensive.

However, if you have been making use of medical marijuana for a while. And if you are in search of a potent dose of medical marijuana. Then, marijuana concentrates might be perfect for you.

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  Cat Nutrition - For Cat People
Posted by: admin - 09-30-2022, 03:24 PM - Forum: CBD for Cats - No Replies

It’s hard not to catch the infectious, cat-loving enthusiasm of the team behind Smalls. It all started when two guys started cooking cat food with human-grade ingredients at home for friends. Smalls was soon a hit with the entire neighborhood, especially after cat moms and dads noticed the benefits of this high-protein diet. 

Now, millions of meals later, Smalls is serving up the highest quality cat food on the market; made by people who actually care about cats. 

Smalls is rooted in promoting the physical and mental health of cats. This deep-seated initiative led them to reimagine cat food entirely. Without getting into too much history, the cat food industry isn’t exactly known for clean ingredients or healthy processes. That’s why Smalls exclusively uses humanely sourced, sustainable ingredients. For cats, that means 100% natural, 100% of the time. 

Aside from their high-quality, human-grade ingredients, Smalls is a wellness win for cats of all ages because of their high protein content. A high-protein diet helps give cats strong bones and healthy muscles to supercharge their quality of life. In fact, the company polled their customers to find out exactly what benefits their cats experienced after transitioning to a Smalls diet.

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  Headshop CBD Products
Posted by: admin - 09-29-2022, 01:53 PM - Forum: List Of CBD Vendors - No Replies

HeadShop CBD products are considered for health trend, it’s now official - cannabidiol (CBD) has gone mainstream. If you’re looking to buy CBD products online, CBD can be found in everything from flower and pet products to creams and chewable gummies.

Promotons & Website Information:

  1. Free Shipping on order over $75
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  3. Shipping Location: United States

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  About Mjwholesale
Posted by: admin - 01-12-2022, 11:23 AM - Forum: Save 10% on your first order with code "CANNA" - MJWHOLESALE - No Replies

MJ Wholesale is a Discount Wholesale Supplier for Processors, Grower, and Suppliers. Offering wholesale prices on Mylar Bags, Pop Top Vials, Cones, Paper, All Glass Jars, Concentrate Containers, Tubes, & Processing Supplies. The largest variety in stock! They are the #1 Industry Supply Wholesaler. 

10% Promotons:

  1. Save 10% on your first order with code"CANNA"
  2. Free Shipping on order over $750
  3. Website:
  4. Shipping Location: United States & Virgin Islands

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  Benefits Of Using A CBD Massgae Oil
Posted by: admin - 12-09-2021, 12:27 PM - Forum: CBD Oil - No Replies

Let us first explain what a CBD massage actually is, before going to talk about the benefits of CBD massage oil. CBD is an abbreviation for Cannabidiol which refers to the cannabinoid in cannabis. It doesn't consist of the THC that cannabis consists of. This in turn signifies that you will not have the experience of high effect.

It serves you with a relaxing effect and it is also perfect as part of a massage. A CBD oil massage comes with all the advantages of a regular massage. It is in addition to the advantages of CBD.

There are a few advantages that you could experience by making use of CBD massage oil.

Reduction Tension

Reduction of tension from your body is one of the major reasons for getting massage therapy. The cannabinoids present in CBD massage oil assist in doing this on both body and mind.

The reason is that CBD assists in easing and relaxing your muscles. The reason is that the cannabinoids get entered into our endocannabinoid system with the assistance of the skin. As CBD doesn't consist of THC which is the active ingredient of cannabis, you will not get high from it.

It means that you are facilitated to go about the rest of your day without having any feeling of high. And still, you can enjoy the relaxing afterglow of the massage.

Assists in Relieving Chronic Pain

CBD massages are not at all perfect for those people who are suffering from chronic pain. The reason is that CBD is proven to be an excellent way of dealing with pain management.

The cannabinoids present in CBD massage oil assist in the reduction of inflammation and soothing muscles. This in turn makes it extremely perfect at serving with relief from painful muscles and joints.

People who are suffering from arthritis, back pain, chronic pain, and so much more. They can get the many benefits of a CBD oil massage. You might start to get the feel of the effects within minutes and these can last for numerous hours afterward.

Alleviates Stress & Anxiety

Are you suffering from anxiety or most often you are feeling stressed? Then you are definitely going to enjoy the benefits of CBD oil massage. CBD oil is hailed for its capability for the reduction of the symptoms of anxiety. And, the most effective utilization of it is massage.

The reason is that CBD oil induces a calming & soothing effect. But, it doesn’t serve you with a high. A massage without CBD oil will assist you in getting de-stressed. And if you pair it with CBD oil then it is a match made in heaven!

The effects of your CBD oil massage will last for up to two hours. It is a perfect way for you to make your mental state ease and calm down.

Improves Skin Conditions

You might not know about it, but in fact, CBD is a fantastic moisturizer. CBD massage oil consists of hemp which does the conditioning of your skin and makes it soft & supple. After the massage, it not only assists you in feeling better and more relaxed. But, it can also assist you with your skin conditions. If you are one of those persons who are suffering from skin conditions. For instance, acne, psoriasis, eczema, or even just dry skin, then you can get benefit from it.

The anti-inflammatory properties of CBD are also the reason behind this. These will reduce the pain of some skin conditions along with soothing your skin. There are just very minimal side effects of it. And if you have tried some other remedies that still haven't worked for you. It is the thing that you should just definitely take into consideration.

Boosts Your Mood

If you ever have taken a massage before, you would be aware that during and after you will have a great feeling. It serves your mind and body with relaxation. Along with this, it assists you in forgetting about your worries and with living in the moment.

When you will combine it with CBD oil, it will boost your experience along with making it more enjoyable. Generally, your massage will leave you with relaxed muscles, smoother skin, and to have a feeling that is less anxious or stressed. When there is a combination of all these factors, it serves with a massive boost to your mood.

Stimulation of the Senses

It is a great way to connect with your body when you get a CBD oil massage. It also stimulates your senses in an exceptional way. Since, during the massage, your muscles, skin, and mind get stimulation, it serves you with a great feeling.

You will feel that you have more connection with your body and serves you with a feeling that is fresh and alert. When you are surviving in such a fast-paced world. It means that most often you are not spending enough time connecting with yourself and living in the moment.

A CBD massage is something that you should take into consideration for making it a regular occurrence. The reason is that it is a kind of a great way for doing this.

Now You Should Start To Make Use Of CBD Massage Oil

Are you eager about making use of CBD massage oil soon? There are just very few best reasons for making use of it. And these could assist numerous people with numerous ailments.

It is an amazing experience to get a CBD massage and it could assist you in easing your skin issues, pain, anxiety, etc. It can also make you have a feeling of relaxation. In recent years, it is enhancing becoming a popular form of massage. To get one for yourself is the only way for understanding how good it can be.

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  CBD vs THC: What is the difference?
Posted by: admin - 12-09-2021, 12:13 PM - Forum: Common Questions & Answer About CBD Oil - No Replies

As there is an increment in the legal use of hemp & other marijuana products. Consumers have got more excited about their options. It is inclusive of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), and cannabidiol (CBD). These are two natural compounds that you will find in plants of the Cannabis genus.

You can extract CBD from cannabis or hemp. Consequently, Marijuana and hemp are widely popular for having their origin from the Cannabis Sativa plant. Legal hemp must comprise 0.3% THC or a lesser amount than that. CBD has got sold in the form of gels, oils, extracts, gummies, supplements, & many more.

THC is the major psychoactive compound which you can find in marijuana. It does the production of high sensation. You can do the consumption of it by smoking marijuana. Above all, it is also available in tinctures, capsules, edibles, oils, and more.

Both these compounds interact with the endocannabinoid system of your body, but they come with numerous different effects.

Continue to read this article to learn more about these compounds. However, these may come with a lot in common, but they are also having some key differences.

CBD vs. THC: Chemical Structure

Both THC and CBD are having a molecular structure that is exactly similar. It consists of 30 hydrogen atoms, 2 oxygen atoms, and 21 carbon atoms. A slight difference in how the atoms are arranged is responsible for the different effects on your body.

Both THC & CBD have chemicals similar to the endocannabinoids of your body. It facilitates them in interacting with your cannabinoid receptors.

The interaction lays impacts on the release of neurotransmitters in your brain. Neurotransmitters are a kind of chemical. As a result, these are responsible for relaying messages between cells. Consequently, these are having roles in immune function, pain, sleep, and stress to name a few.

CBD vs THC: Psychoactive components

THC & CBD are not having the same psychoactive effects despite their similar chemical structures. CBD is psychoactive, but it is not just in a similar manner as THC. It doesn't do the production of the high which has a relation with THC. CBD is popular for assisting you with seizures, depression, and anxiety.

On the other hand, THC binds in the brain with the cannabinoid 1 receptors or CB1 receptors. It does the production of a high or sense of euphoria. CBD binds extremely weakly with CB1 receptors. Along with this CBD has the requirement of THC for binding, for instance, sedation or euphoria.

CBD vs THC: Medical Benefits

THC and CBD come with numerous similar medical benefits. As a result, these can serve you with relief from several similar conditions. However, CBD is not the reason for euphoric effects which used to occur with THC. Some people may give preference for making use of CBD. The reason is the lack of its side effects.

Epidlolex was the first prescription medication that contained CBD. It was used for the treatment of extremely rare and difficult-to-control forms of epilepsy. Currently, Epidlolex has got approval for any of the other conditions which are given below.

CBD is taken into use for assisting with numerous other conditions, for instance:

  • seizures
  • inflammation
  • psychosis or mental disorders
  • pain
  • inflammatory bowel disease
  • nausea
  • depression
  • anxiety
  • migraine
On the other hand, THC is taken into use for assisting with the following:
  • anxiety
  • nausea
  • low appetite
  • insomnia
  • glaucoma
  • muscle spasticity
  • pain
CBD vs. THC: Side Effects

You can tolerate CBD very well even in large doses. Researches suggest that any side effects that occur with the use of CBD are generally the outcome of drug-to-drug interactions. These interactions are between CBD and other medications which you might be consuming.

THC is popular for causing some temporary side effects, for instance:
  • anxiety
  • memory loss
  • slower reaction times
  • red eyes
  • dry mouth
  • coordination problems
  • enhanced heart rate
Side effects of CBD might be inclusive of:
  • diarrhea
  • dizziness
  • weight loss
  • fatigue
  • appetite changes
These side effects of CBD are basically part of the psychoactive properties of the compound. None of the side effects are fatal. However, the use of high THC might have a connection with the long-term negative psychiatric effects. It is particularly true for adolescents who do the consumption of large amounts of THC. However, there is no conclusive proof that making use of marijuana becomes the reason for psychiatric disorders. For instance, schizophrenia.

CBD vs. THC: Drug Testing

Cannabinoids, for instance, CBD & THC have their storage in the fat of the body. After you do the consumption these they can show up on drug tests for numerous days or weeks.

However, every drug test will not be capable of detecting CBD. But CBD-sensitive tests are available. Most of the standard drug tests will look for chemicals that have a relation with THC. So, the use of marijuana or THC might show up on screening.

Likewise, in addition to CBD hemp can do the production of some THC. So, even if you haven't made use of it, this could be positive for THC. It is very crucial to note that products that claim to be free from THC. They actually might not be free from it. So, if you were tested for drugs, you should not make use of any THC or CBD products.

THC and CBD are the two most crucial cannabinoids which you will find in the marijuana plant. Basically, both hemp and marijuana do the production of THC and CBD. However, marijuana comes with a higher concentration of THC. But, Hemp is having a higher concentration of CBD.

The average marijuana strain in todays' times comprises about 12 percent THC. CBD oil might consist of small amounts of THC. The reason is that it is present in the low levels of the hemp plant. For being legal at the federal level, CBD can have not more than 0.3% THC.

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  CBD vs CBDA: The Major Differences And All You Require To Know
Posted by: admin - 12-09-2021, 11:57 AM - Forum: Common Questions & Answer About CBD Oil - No Replies

If you have been making use of CBD or you are in the process of doing research. Before getting on the journey of CBD oil you may have come across some lab reports. These reports come with a huge number of different cannabinoids listed which are inclusive of CBDA.

You can simply understand that CBDA is a kind of cannabidiol acid which is the acidic version of CBD. Chemically, it refers that for getting from one of these compounds to another. There is something that requires changing the structure of the molecules.

This change refers to CBD and CBDA are having varying properties which changes how they used to work within the body. For CBDA research is in its early stages, even more than that of CBD. Still, scientists are making efforts for figuring out why and how CBDA does what it can do.

However, some recent studies have indicated that cannabidiolic acid are having some promising properties. These are for encouraging overall wellbeing. These might even be more powerful than that of ever-popular CBD.

What is meant by CBD?

For understanding what is meant by CBDA, and what is the difference between CBD and CBDA. Firstly, you must have a better understanding of CBD. Cannabinoid comes basically from marijuana or hemp plants. It is illegal to grow cannabis in the UK, but farmers can do the harvesting of leaves and stem of the hemp plant. The reason is it is low in THC.

However, it is different in other countries. So, it is worth checking the legality of marijuana in your state or country.

A huge number of studies give an indication of the promising effects of CBD for encouraging bodily wellness. CBD does its work by doing interacting with the endocannabinoid system which is like other processes in the body. For instance, the endocrine system, immune system, and central nervous system. It also does the maintenance of homeostasis in the body.

Homeostasis is just a kind of fancy word for how your body continues to do its function efficiently through a huge number of internal processes. CBD may come in numerous forms. These are inclusive of CBD capsules, candy, hemp tea, CBD balm, oil, and e-liquids.

What is meant by CBDA?

The question arises that if CBD comes from CBDA, where does CBDA come actually? The answer to this question is CBGA. You can simply understand, CBGA is also popular as cannabigerol acid. It breaks down into three major cannabinoids: CBCA, CBDA, and THCA.

Then these cannabinoids break down even further into CBD, CBC, and THC respectively. THC is illegal and psychoactive in numerous parts of the world, but CBC and CBD are not.

In some cases, Cannabigerolic acid can also become CBG but it is less common. For becoming CBD, CBDA has to lose what is popular as an "acidic hydroxyl group". It is a group of atoms that consists of hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon. This group is actually what makes cannabidiol acid, an acid in reality.

When CBDA gets on heat, this reaction takes place. For instance, when smoking cannabis or vaping CBD. As a result, CBD and users of marijuana do not do the consumption of CBDA. If you are making use of broad or full-spectrum CBD oil products, for instance, a tincture, you are likely to get some CBDA.

In contrast, in those places where marijuana is legal, a new trend of blending marijuana into a juice or a smoothie makes you capable of consuming CBDA. Till now, scientists haven't thought that CBDA had any effect on the endocannabinoid system. The reason is the molecule structure of it. However, the research conducted recently has changed the idea.

What are the main differences between CBD vs CBDA?

CBD is more abundant and more stable

One of the most common cannabinoids found in the hemp plant is CBDA. By the time it has been bottled and extracted, CBD is far more abundant. When sat at room temperature for some time Cannabidiolic acid can become CBD. It means cannabidiol is far more stable. When you will go to purchase CBD oil, over time the percentage of CBD is less likely to reduce. But, the levels of CBDA will probably reduce.

CBDA may be more powerful

Early research has found that CBDA could be more powerful at provoking wellness than CBD is. It is extremely huge for the CBD industry and scientists alike. Scientists haven't thought that CBDA had any effect on the body at all. One reason is that the bioavailability of CBD vs CBDA is greater. It means that it could be metabolized faster and with very little effort.

They differently influence the endocannabinoid system

In recent years it is a subject of a lot of debate and research that how different cannabinoids interact with the endocannabinoid system. In the year 1992, the endocannabinoid system itself was discovered. So, it is not a surprise that we are still making efforts for figuring out how cannabinoids work with it.

Scientists are well aware that CBD doesn't interact with THC in the same way. But they are not sure about how exactly it works right now.

CBD can be heard, so it is better to vape and cook

A huge number of users of CBD make use of e-cigarettes or vape pens as an easy way for adding CBD to your daily routine. However, if you are having a desire of the positive effects of CBDA. The process of heating the vape juice will make the CBDA turn into CBD.

A similar thing goes for cooking with CBD oil. When we heat it, the reaction occurs and therefore you will lose CBDA. If you are having an interest only in the advantages of CBD oil alone, it may be fine for you. But, if you are in search of the potential benefits of CBDA then you must blend the leaves of the hemp into a smoothie. Or you can take broad-spectrum CBD oil sublingually.

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Lightbulb Extraction Process Of Cannabis
Posted by: admin - 10-06-2021, 05:13 AM - Forum: Gardening General - No Replies

[Image: extraction-process-of-cannabis.png]

Traditional botanical extractions are having the objective of providing the extracts in a readily usable form. There have been using of numerous methods for the creation of marijuana concentrates. You must have an understanding of desired results and causes behind using the extracts. For instance, recreational, therapeutic, or medical.

There is a requirement of choosing the extraction process within a marijuana processing plant. For instance, ethanol, hydrocarbon, supercritical fluid, or solvent-less. An understanding of the physicochemical attributes, for instance, color, clarity, aroma, viscosity, or cannabinoid potency. It is along with a pharmaceutical-grade formulation or a high-end consumable, these are the factors that drive the quality of the product. Regardless of whether the product is a kind of crude extract, it will assist in making decisions about how to design a marijuana extraction process.

There are three key stages when designing a marijuana extraction process. These are mainly extraction, preprocessing, and purification. These will affect the properties of the resulting extracts of marijuana. It becomes much more straightforward to make decisions about those stages. It is when you have a better understanding of the requirements of the end product.

The Basics Of Marijuana Extracts or Concentrates

The major objective of marijuana extraction is to do the separation and collection of the desirable plant compounds. For instance, terpenes and cannabinoids from the plant matrix. You can do the utilization of different extraction for dividing plant material into extracts. For instance, cannabinoids and terpenes. These deliver scents, appealing flavors, and effects.

There could be an impact of drying and storage of marijuana raw material on the quality of the finished extracts. If the objective is to serve the traditional cured flavor of marijuana. Then identification of the optimal temperature, moisture, and humidity content will drive the development of that process step.

The key is the identification of how to undertake and measure the process step. For instance, terpene and moisture content. Another crucial processing step is the reduction in the size of the raw material. This step can bring improvement in the efficiency and quality of a marijuana extraction process. The main objective of this process step is to reduce the particle size of the material the extraction of which has to happen. It results in an enhanced surface area which is available for the extraction of solvent.

The major objective of the extraction process is to facilitate the bioactive components of the marijuana raw material. It is as close to its natural state as it is possible in the finished extract while doing the optimization of the efficiency of the extraction process.

There are numerous size-reduction of variables the requirement of which might occur for comparison. For instance, low-speed grinding versus high-speed grinding, room temperature versus chilled, milling versus grinding. If you have an understanding of the extraction of target compounds before and after the size reduction process. Then it will assist in the minimization of the degradation which results from oxidative or thermal damage.

Normally, solvent-based extractions for instance CO2, hydrocarbon, and ethanol do creation of concentrates which refers to as oil. Some of these extraction methods are quite difficult, expensive, and risky. Everyone should have the analytical skills and equipment for performing the extraction processes effectively and safely. There is a requirement for the analysis of extractions. It should be from a professional testing laboratory for ensuring the final product is safe for humans to do the consumption.

Extraction Methods of Cannabis

The extraction process is the heart of any marijuana processing plant. It will have an impact on every physiochemical attribute of the marijuana extract which is in process. It will represent a crucial portion of the capital outlay which has an association with the processing plant. Extraction methods are inclusive of light hydrocarbon extraction, supercritical CO2 extraction, and ethanol extraction.

There has been a common use of light hydrocarbon, for instance, propane and butane. The reason is its minimal equipment method and low running cost. This solvent system serves with the fast extraction. It can also be selective for terpenes and cannabinoids with limited co-extraction of other potentially unwanted compounds. For instance, plant waxes and chlorophyll. It is from the marijuana raw material. Light hydrocarbon extraction systems might be like in the middle of the road in terms of capital cost. But, it may demand a serious infrastructure
investment for the creation of safe working space. It is dependent on the local safety requirements. These extractions might be risky. The reason is that hydrocarbons burn in a very easy manner in the gas phase.

There are a limited number of variables that one can adjust while doing the production of a light hydrocarbon extract. The easy operation of hydrocarbon extraction systems refers that the learning curve is relatively simple for operators. The reason is propane and butane which are highly volatile compounds. There may be a requirement for the removal of the solvent from the extract which refers to purging. This purge step is inclusive of heating the extract under deep vacuum conditions.

The extraction of ethanol has become enhancing popular. The reason is its low cost, clear designation, food-grade solvent, and speed of extraction. While ethanol is a less selective solvent than propane and butane, it will strip a huge range of compounds from the marijuana raw material. Most often extraction of ethanol has the requirement of coupling with the post-extraction purification process. It is for the removal of unwanted co-extractives.

Solvent removal does the representation of a significant time-consuming step as with light hydrocarbon extraction. Ethanol evaporation has the requirement of more energy in comparison to hydrocarbons. After that, during solvent removal, the huge majority of volatile aroma compounds will become lost from the extract.

If those compounds are not crucial to the end product, then this potential complexion is a non-issue. But, this may not be an ideal process if your formulations refer to leverage the entourage effect of terpenes & cannabinoids which are acting synergistically. The extraction of ethanol is risky and time-consuming. The reason is that ethanol has high-flammable. This method in turn also does the presentation of the challenge of co-extraction of chlorophyll, which is bitter. The concentrates are relatively safe for making and consuming after the ethanol becomes evaporated.

The extraction of supercritical CO2 (carbon dioxide) has risen to a place of distinction in the marijuana industry. Extraction of supercritical CO2 extraction is dependent on turning gaseous carbon dioxide into a supercritical liquid. It happens by the application of pressure and temperature until attaining a supercritical form of liquid.

The meaning of its steep learning curve & high capital spend is that it is not the ideal choice for some people. But, the depth of turnability that its solvent system affords serves the processor with a level of control. This control is on the produced extract that no other process can serve. This turnability is because of an exceptional property of CO2 in the supercritical phase. The operator can make changes in the solvent characteristics of the CO2 by controlling the temperature & pressure of the extraction. He can also design a process for the extraction of only compounds that meet the objectives of their end product.

CO2 extracts don't require further removal of solvent. The reason is that it evaporates from the extract when collected from the extractor. It signifies that the operator can do the capturing of the natural identical aroma profiles from their raw material. Marijuana extraction that comes with CO2 can do the removal of flavorsome marijuana compounds from the matrix of plants with higher yields and clearer cannabinoids. It is safe to do the consumption of CO2 extracts. Even the process of the creation of them can be costly.

An analysis is extremely crucial in the process of the development of optimized hydrocarbon extraction. If the main objective of the process optimization is simple efficiency and throughput. Then it is critical to do the determination of which temperature combination and vacuum pressure will result in the rapid removal of the solvent. That removal will be from extract for the achievement of a product that meets the regulatory specifications. There is a requirement of performing residual solvent analysis for determining this on finished samples. It is for determining that how much solvent remains.

If the outcome on a sample comes back above the regulatory specification. The process developer will have the requirement of enhancing the purge time. It will pull a deeper vacuum or will enhance the temperature of the purge.

Serving with a high level of terpenes might be critical for both to organoleptic and bioactive properties of the extract. This challenge makes the addition of complexity. The reason is the methods for the improvement of purge efficiency will also result in a huge amount of losses of terpenes. There should be an analysis of the terpene content and residual solvent content at different pressures and temperatures. It will be throughout the process of purge for understanding how long it will take to do the production of material within specifications.


Purification of post-extraction may range from simple filtration to more typical processes. For instance, chromatography or distillation. The simple filtration is also widely popular as winterization. Again, the requirements of the end product will drive these decisions. Winterization leverages melting point differences between the numerous components in an extract for precipitating undesired waxes at a decreased temperature.

Distillation can do the purification of extracts by the collection of fractions and selective evaporation with a high potency of cannabinoids. However, it can be along with low levels of undesirable components and desirable color.

Preparative-scale chromatography can do the purification of the compounds in an extract. It will be based on their affinity to the stationary phase within a chromatography column. This process will serve with high levels of cannabinoid purity that is upwards of 95% pure. Crystallization is a further process step the use of which is there for the preparation of homogeneous preparations of cannabinoids in crystal form and purity.


There can be complexity in the task of process development in the marijuana industry. The key to the development of an effective process is to have an overall understanding of the physicochemical attributes along with the end product.

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Question What Is Meant By Marijuana Concentrates?
Posted by: admin - 10-06-2021, 04:34 AM - Forum: Common Questions & Answer About CBD Oil - No Replies

[Image: what-is-meant-by-marijuana-concentrates.png]

Marijuana concentrates are the cannabinoids of the marijuana plant. The extraction of these cannabinoids takes place by making use of one of the extraction methods which are here as under. The manufacturing of these takes place by covering marijuana plant material with a solvent.

After that solvent has done the extraction of cannabinoids from the plant material. The evaporation of the solvent happens and leaves behind the extracted concentrated cannabinoid oil. Significantly they are more potent than marijuana flowers. And their applications in the form of medicine have proven to be diverse & effective.

It is a dangerous and complex process to do the extraction of marijuana concentrates. The methods which are necessary for proper extraction are so precise. It means those individuals who do the production of marijuana extracts particularly of high-quality marijuana are widely popular as extract artists.

The science of marijuana concentrate extraction is dependent on the solubility of the cannabinoids and other active ingredients of the marijuana plant. A huge variety of suitable solvents is available for the extraction of the active ingredients from marijuana. But, each of these is well-versed with the weaknesses, strengths, laboratory infrastructure requirements, and production-scaling considerations. The reason is that cannabinoids are not water-soluble. If there is any requirement of extracting them properly, then they must be dissolved in a solvent.

Solvents are those chemicals the use of which is to do the removal of the cannabinoids from the marijuana plant. When the submerging of marijuana flowers happen in these solvents. Then the dissolving of the terpenes, cannabinoids, and other active ingredients takes place into the solvent. The filtration of the remaining solid plant matter happens. Along with this purging of the liquid solvent and cannabinoid mixture takes place for the removal of all the solvents. This in turn leaves all the cannabinoids and other active compounds from the plant.

However, no solvent is perfect for the extraction of marijuana in every way. But the supercritical CO2 extracts and butane extracts are responsible for the production of a huge majority of the currently available concentrates.

Butane is non-popular. It facilitates the extraction of the desired terpenes & cannabinoids from marijuana. It happens without the co-extraction of the undesirables, for instance, plant metabolites and chlorophyll. The low boiling point of butane makes it easy for doing purge from the concentrate. It happens at the end of the extraction process. However, butane is widely popular for its combustibility. However, in terms of toxicity as well as low environmental impact, supercritical CO2 always gets appreciation for its relative safety.

There will be the requirement for a lengthy purification process for the removal of co-extracted constituents. For instance, plant waxes. These are capable of detracting from the final terpenoid and cannabinoid profile of supercritical CO2 extracts.

Ethanol is as efficient as butane, as effective as CO2. Usually, it is safe to handle it and it is generally popular as Safe, or GRAS. The reason behind this is that it is a polar solvent. It will mix with water. Along with this, it will dissolve the water-soluble molecules for instance chlorophyll.

Extraction methods with non-hydrocarbons

Dry Sieve

A dry sieve is the most natural & unobtrusive form of marijuana extraction. Because of the meticulous process involved in the removal of the cannabinoid containing trichomes from the plant matter, it has a low yield. There are numerous grades of dry sieve from a farmer sieve that are comprising plant contaminants. These most often refer to as kief up to Fullmelt Dry Sieve. These are generally comprising just the trichome heads. Kief is a mixture of stalks, plant material, glandular trichome heads, etc.

There are numerous ways for the achievement of dry sieved products. But, there may be the utilization of a single silkscreen or series of silkscreens in conjunction with agitation. It is for the separation of trichomes from the plant material.

Water Extraction

The process of water extraction is very much like the process of the dry sieve. The use of it may happen in conjunction with screens for carrying mechanically separated trichomes. It happens through micron-level screens. The manufacturing of water hash takes place by making use of agitation. It is for gently breaking off the trichome heads from the plant material.

Extraction Methods With Hydrocarbons

Butane & Propane

In the world of concentrate hydrocarbon extraction is a kind of fresh-squeezed juice. Arguably, hydrocarbons like propane & butane are the most efficient solvent for the extraction of marijuana. Butane is a kind of low-pressure system. The extraction in it takes place at 0-30psi. Butane is widely popular as the most commonly used solvent in marijuana.

Butane comes with a low boiling point that is about -0.5 degrees celsius. It is helpful in the condition of cold-boiling the residual solvent from the concentrate solution. This is a process that leaves behind the temperature-sensitive terpenes.

Numerous extraction terpenes give preference to blending their butane along with propane. It is for the preparation of a gas mixture that will strip additional terpenes. Along with this, it will purge more efficiently than butane alone. -42 degrees Celsius is the boiling point of propane. These solvents are non-polar, non-toxic, and they are used to dissolve oil efficiently. This happens for the creation of other unwanted by-products. Propane and butane dissolve all the terpenes and cannabinoids.

These solvents are cost-effective. It signifies that there will not any requirement of spending large amounts of money on supplies of extraction. But, instead of this, it happens on growing quality marijuana for extraction. Propane and butane purging which follows the extraction of concentrate is comparatively easy. The reason behind this is their boiling points which are lower than their room temperature.

The extraction of hydrocarbon takes place only in a proper lab setting. Butane is flammable and automated options are scarce. For instance, Ethanol and CO2 systems. Automated hydrocarbon extraction systems will bring improvement in quality. And these will reduce the price. The reason is that their internal monitoring systems and safety features have become more reliable.

Butane extracts do not have any requirement for winterization and filtration. The reason is that the extraction of the waxes or lipids and chlorophyll happens by making use of the low temperatures.


Hexane is a solvent just like butane. The use of it is for the extraction of marijuana concentrate. Hexane is entirely insoluble in water. But, the boiling of it usually takes place at a higher temperature than butane. However, the general process for the extraction of hexane is similar to that of butane extraction. It has the requirement of significantly more care. It is because considerably hexane is more toxic along with being potentially explosive & extremely flammable.


Acetone which is easily available as a degreaser and solvent evaporates quickly. It is widely popular as a solvent and for having low acute & chronic toxicity if it is ingested or inhaled. Acetone is having an international rating as GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) substance for food use. And the production and disposal of it happen in the human body through normal metabolic processes. 57 degrees Celsius is the boiling point of Acetone. Extreme flammability is the most hazardous property of acetone.

Isopropyl Alcohol

Isopropyl alcohol is a commonly used solvent for the creation of marijuana concentrates by making use of the quick wash method. Where on one side hexane is not water-soluble, on the other hand, isopropyl alcohol is extremely water-soluble. It will dissolve undesired plant materials, for instance, waxes and chlorophylls along with the sought-after cannabinoids.

There is a requirement of Quick Wash Isopropyl (QWISCO) for the production of extremely high-quality oil in under a minute. The use of a quick wash method takes place for the elimination of plant waxes from the isopropyl concentrate solution. The use of the quick wash method happens for this instead of soaking. However, the use of soaking happens with non-water-soluble solvents like hexane.

It takes relatively a long time to properly purging the concentrates. These are those concentrates that have been extracted with isopropyl alcohol because of the solubility in water.

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Lightbulb How To Breed, Grow & Dry Cannabis
Posted by: admin - 10-06-2021, 04:19 AM - Forum: Gardening General - No Replies

[Image: how-to-breed-grow-and-dry-cannabis.png]

Breed Cannabis: Breeding of cannabis plants happens with the desired compositions.

Grow Cannabis: It refers to growing cannabis plants under optimal conditions.

Harvesting or Drying Cannabis: If refers to drying of marijuana plants when the level of terpenes and cannabinoids are maximal or optimal.

Step 1: Selection & Development of the most suitable plant cultivar

You can grow the most suitable cannabis cultivar under the desired conditions. Probably these plants will be clones of a cultivar with low THC which is <0.5% & high CBD which is >5%. It is for isolation and purification. Highly qualified personnel has established this process for the selection & cultivation.

Growing marijuana plants under optimal conditions come after the selection of the correct plant cultivar. Before you go to grow cannabis, you must first determine the genetics of the plant.

Step 2: Harvesting of the bud material through the mature marijuana plants

When the level of cannabinoids in the bud material is maximal, the harvesting of the marijuana plant takes place. You can do harvesting of the fresh stems along with leaf & twig material at the optimal time. There will be the requirement of using microscopic assessment. It is for determining when the cannabinoid content of the trichomes is maximal.

Step 3: Drying & Milling of the bud material.

There will be trimming off the plant material for retaining all of the cannabinoid-rich buds and for the removal of any other material. For instance, stems, fan leaves, etc. You have to ensure that cannabis plant material is dry for the production of a product comprising <10% moisture.

After that, there is a need for milling and sieving of the dried plant material to a fine powder (1-2mm screen). There will be blending of each batch of dried marijuana powder to bagged and homogeneity, labeled &amp; stored at 4 degrees celsius. 100 kg of marijuana plants will do the production of about 20kg of dry leaf material.

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