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Registration Date: 05-01-2023
Date of Birth: January 1
Local Time: 03-12-2025 at 11:09 PM
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farelaynrn's Forum Info
Joined: 05-01-2023
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Additional Info About farelaynrn
Bio: 9 Analytics Insights to Help Grow Your Business
Far too often businesses rely on marketing analytics tools exclusively for the metrics, and so the questions we ask of our data are relatively simple: ‘How are we performing against this KPI?’; ‘Have we achieved this goal?’; 'Are traffic and conversions growing?’. But our data provides so much more opportunity to help grow your business. So for this article, we're assuming you are already across your top-level data such as traffic and conversions. Instead, we're focusing on finding insights into your customers, your marketing and your business that you can use to grow. And whether you leverage your website for eCommerce sales, lead generation or branding and awareness, it all starts with knowing the right places to look and questions to ask. Just a note that this guide will be talking specifically about Google Analytics, but similar information is available in each of the most popular analytics tools. 3 Insights for eCommerce Businesses #1 Internal Site Search #2 Time this shows you the terms people search within your website, and it is really helpful in determining what your customers want or what they are confused by. Here are some questions to be asking when you look at the data: What percent of visitors are actually using the site search? If it is a high number, does it mean that they are struggling to find what they need? What are their most common searches? Can you use this information to improve your Google Ads campaigns? Or are there creative campaigns you can run based on these queries? Could you rearrange some of your products to feature those that are being searched for most? Or maybe they are searching for products you have in stock, but they are using different names. Regardless of what you find, I recommend if you see specific searches happening frequently, try searching them yourself so you can experience it directly. Another question to ask is what pages are people searching from? The homepage is to be expected, but are there any that stick out as surprising? Maybe you need to improve the experience on some pages where people seem to regularly leave via a search. #2 Time this is because by default Google Analytics data is showing you conversion metrics based on the Last Click interaction. And there are lots of ways this skews your data and insights. In particular, it generally gives too much weight to the most common last click paths such as branded search or direct traffic.
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