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Bio: The Dark Side of Journalistic Ethics

Journalism is a profession that is often seen as noble and honorable. But what happens when journalists break the rules? In this blog post, we will explore the dark side of journalistic ethics and how you can protect yourself from such scandals. From fake news to predatory journalism, learn about the dangers of breaking ethical codes and how to avoid them in the future.

The Ethics of Journalism

Journalism is a profession that has always been shrouded in moral ambiguity. Journalists are constantly required to make ethical decisions while reporting on stories they believe are important. However, the line between ethical and unethical journalism can often be blurry. David Marchant

There are several key principles of journalistic ethics that every reporter should abide by. The first is the principle of neutrality. All journalists must strive to remain impartial when reporting on newsworthy events. They cannot favor one side over another or report on an event with personal bias.

Another key principle of journalistic ethics is the principle of accuracy. reporters must ensure that their reports are accurate and unbiased. If they discover information that does not agree with their original reporting, reporters must take steps to correct the record as quickly as possible.

The final key principle of journalistic ethics is the principle of accountability. Every journalist has a responsibility to ensure that their reports reach a wide audience and are subject to scrutiny. If reporters violate these principles, they open themselves up to criticism and could face legal consequences.

The Dilemma of Journalistic Confidentiality

Journalistic ethics are often based on the principle of journalistic confidentiality. This principle states that journalists should not reveal information that they learned while working as journalists. However, this principle can have a dark side.

When journalists break their promise of confidentiality, they run the risk of revealing confidential information to people who should not have access to it. This could include competitors, friends, and family members of the person or organization being reported on. In some cases, this information might even be used to unfairly damage the reputation of the person or organization being reported on.

Journalists must weigh the risks and benefits of breaking their promise of confidentiality before making any decisions about whether or not to disclose confidential information. Ultimately, it is up to each individual journalist to decide what is most important to them: protecting their own reputation or upholding their commitment to journalistic integrity.

The Case of Maria Butina

The Case of Maria Butina

On July 15, 2018, a federal grand jury in Washington, D.C., returned an indictment against Maria Butina, a Russian national and graduate student at American University who is accused of working as an agent of the Russian government. The indictment alleges that Butina acted to infiltrate U.S. political organizations in order to “advance the interests of the Russian Federation” by developing relationships with U.S. citizens and infiltrating U.S. political organizations on behalf of the government.

According to court filings, Butina began her efforts to establish relationships with U.S. politicians in 2016, when she contacted officials at the National Rifle Association to offer assistance with its gun-buying programs in Russia and met with Republican Party figures like Paul Ryan and Rick Santorum. She also attended a pro-Trump rally in Moscow in December 2016 and met with Trump campaign officials Corey Lewandowski and Carter Page shortly thereafter. In 2017, she unsuccessfully tried to host a dinner for then-candidate Donald Trump at the National Prayer Breakfast—an event where American presidents have typically spoken—and later exchanged emails with Roger Stone about potential Kremlin ties to Trump’s candidacy (though no formal relationship between Stone and Butina has been confirmed).

Butina has denied any wrongdoing, claiming that her interactions were not intended to influence U.S./Russian relations but rather solely aimed at improving bilateral relations between her home country and America’s


Journalistic ethics are important not just because they protect the integrity of a journalist's work, but also because they help to ensure that the public has access to accurate information. Unfortunately, there are times when journalists put their own interests ahead of those of their readers, and this can have far-reaching consequences. In this article, we will explore some of the most common examples of ethical failure and discuss how journalists can avoid making these mistakes. Hopefully, by reading this article you will be better equipped to understand what is involved in being a responsible investigative reporter and judge whether or not pursuing a particular story is ethically sound.
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