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A Complete Look At Cannabis And Depression
[Image: cannabis-and-depression.png]

If you have been feeling sadness, you have a lack of interest in activities that you once enjoyed. Then you might be suffering from depression. Depression is affecting approximately about 350 million people all over the world. This common mood disorder is the leading reason behind the disability of people worldwide. Yet numerous people who are suffering from depression don't get the required help.

Currently, there is an availability of numerous treatments. These are inclusive of oral medications and other different therapies. Researchers have begun to do the exploration of medicinal marijuana in the form of additional treatment. Given below you can learn more about the use of medical marijuana for depression, its benefits, and side effects.

Benefits of Medical Marijuana
  • You can make use of marijuana as a tool for pain management
  • Medicinal marijuana may serve you with relief from symptoms of anxiety
  • It is also widely popular as a potential treatment for vomiting and nausea which has relation to chemotherapy
Hawaii Journal of Medicine & Public Health published a study in 2014. It has highlighted pain management as a potential benefit of medical marijuana. Participants in the study have reported that they have seen a 64% reduction in their pain while making use of marijuana. Numerous people have also experienced a reduction in their anxiety. And they have got a night of better sleep when they were using the drug.

There are also some other potential benefits which give you relief from:

Research is going on in these areas for determining the long-term and short-term effects of use.

Research on Cannabis & Depression

The evaluation is still in its early stages of medical marijuana for depression. Right now, the researchers share that the advantages are inclusive of the restoration of "normal" mood stabilization & endocannabinoid function.

Scientists have begun to look into medicinal marijuana as a possible treatment for depression. It is about depression the reason behind which is chronic stress. The Research Institute on Addictions (RIA) has been focusing particularly on brain chemicals that are widely popular as endocannabinoids.

These are chemical compounds that have been produced naturally. They play a crucial role in emotions, behavior, cognition, and control. They are also having a chemical makeup that is similar to that of marijuana.

The scientists have not conducted their studies on humans. Rather they have done it on animals. Yet they have discovered that chronic stress might surpass the production of the brain of endocannabinoids. They found that this may in turn lead to depression-like behavior.

The introduction of cannabis into the system may assist in the restoration of function and normal levels. This may make the symptoms of depression easy.

There is the requirement for more studies for the assessment of the real advantages and disadvantages of marijuana. As it is a potential therapy for those people who are having depression.

Risks & Warnings
  • The side effects of it might be different which is dependent on the method of consumption
  • There are mixed views on whether marijuana may be a reason for depression or the treatment of depression
  • The use of marijuana may trigger psychosis or schizophrenia in those people who are at higher risk of these conditions.
In a group that was surveyed about the usage of marijuana for chronic pain. 71% of people among those didn't report any major side effects. 61% of the people among them have reported suffering from throat irritation or cough.

There is not any clear proof that suggests that marijuana is the reason behind depression. However, there might be a link between the two. Some of the researchers suggest that regular or heavy users of the drug are diagnosed with depression. It is more often in contrast with non-smokers.

There is also a link between marijuana and other mental health conditions. If you are being at a high risk of psychosis. Then you must be aware that marijuana may trigger psychosis or schizophrenia. Psychosis is a very serious mental disorder. The characterization of it has done by a detachment from reality. Symptoms of it are inclusive of delusions and hallucinations.

The potential side effects of the use of marijuana may be dependent on the way you do the consumption of it. You can consume medical marijuana in the form of a spray, patches, or pill. Research is going on with traditional recreational methods. For instance, vaporizing or smoking.

Currently, there are certain researches which are making efforts. These are for figuring out if a particular extract which is widely popular as cannabidiol. It could serve you with mood-boosting advantages without leading to drug dependency or not.

Traditional Treatments For Depression

The treatment of depression is exceptional for you and it is dependent on the severity of your case. It is possible to successfully do the management and treatment of moderate, mild, and severe depression.

Mild depression may give a better response to psychosocial treatments. For instance, psychotherapy is also popular as "talk therapy". Usually, there is no recommendation of drugs as a treatment for mild cases of depression.

Psychological treatments are also a good first step for those people who are having moderate to severe depression. For instance, interpersonal or behavioral psychotherapy.

Antidepressants are another tool that some doctors use for cases related to more severe depression. For instance, tricyclic antidepressants along with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Drugs may carry potential side effects. So, you must make use of these under the supervision of a doctor. In addition to this, you must make use of antidepressants with caution in children and teenagers with depression.

Tools To Cope-Up With Depression

After you and your doctor have done the development of a treatment plan. Further, you can take steps at your home for coping up with depression:

Make efforts for cutting out extra stressors and responsibilities in your life. Give yourself room for breathing when you are feeling down.

Make addition of more structure to your day. When you have events you can set reminders on your phone or for others can't miss responsibilities.

Take journaling into consideration. It might be a healthy outlet for you to honestly and openly divulge feelings of sadness, fear, or anger.

Seek out groups that may assist you in mental health. Your church or employer may have an assistance program that can assist you. You can also check out the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance and National Alliance on Mental Illness.

Make efforts not to isolate yourself. However, it might be difficult when you are feeling low. If you have a support network then it might have a huge number of benefits.

Discover new and fun ways of relieving bad emotions and stress. It could be as simple as to a take a daily walk, trying meditation, or striking some yoga poses.

Final Thoughts

However, research in the field appears promising. But, there is a requirement for more work. It is for the assessment of whether medical marijuana is an effective treatment of depression or not.

If you have an interest in this potential therapy and live in that area where medical marijuana is legal. You must consider discussing this with your doctor. They can work with you for the determination of whether it is an option for you or not.

Your doctor can also serve you with guidance through other options for treatment. Together you can do the development of the best strategy for yourself.

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